

Monday, August 3, 2015

Calendula. What is that?

Calendula is an herb but simulating a daisy with vibrant orange and yellow petals with green leaves and stem. It may also be known as pot marigold or garden marigold, a native of Southern Europe, Egypt, Caribbean, and the region between Canary Islands to Iran. 


A view of Calendula's from our garden
Dehydrating Calendula 

Calendula is a wonderful healing and medicinal herb used in various recipes. You won't believe how many ways Calendula can be utilized! However, it is recommended to use caution or not to use it while pregnant, breast feeding, or if you have an allergy to chamomile, ragweed, asters.
  • It is edible. Chopped petals can add some flavor and color to your salad, cake, sandwich, cheese, sauces, soups, and butter.
    • Flavors range from spicy to bitter, tangy to peppery, pleasantly mild and vegetable sweet.
  • Healing wounds and skin irritations. It has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. It can heal:
    • bruises, scrapes, athlete's foot, yeast infections, diaper rashes, and believe it or not, it can help minimize stretch marks and scarring. Ladies, you might want to try this!
  • Sore throat, sores or inflammations in mouth or throat.
  • Incorporate Calendula into baths, creams, compresses, washes, salves, topical oils.
  • Dried flower for tea and infused oils.
  • Pest repellent against aphids, eelworms, tomato hornworms, asparagus beetles.

Step outside of your comfort level and experiment with Calendula. We are currently selling fresh, certified organic Calendula for $5 per pound. 

We are also selling poppies and bachelor buttons! 

Contact us for some beautiful certified organics flowers that have many uses!

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