

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

My Garlic Sprouted!

Looking at this chart, I should be the healthiest person around.  What is the old saying --an apple a day, keeps the doctor away? According to this chart, it should be-- eating a clove a day, will keep all germs away.  (Maybe people, too).

At my house, we keep a small bowl of cloves ready to peel.

It is a good idea to eat a clove or two each evening.  More often if you feel a scratchy throat or cough starting.  

Keeping the garlic cloves on the table will cause it to sprout.  The little green sprout can be bitter but just like any other sprout it contains even more nutrients than the "seed".  I prefer not to eat the raw sprout and cut the clove in half and easily remove the sprout and toss in compost bucket. When cooking, I chop up the entire clove sprout and all.

There are so many ways to benefit from eating raw garlic and many herbal recipes to find on the internet.  

With this winter weather, I wonder when our garlic will be sprouting in the garden.  
Picture taken on November 16, 2018.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Where's the sun?

Where is the sun?

Is it only me or has anyone else noticed the lack of sunshine?  There were several events to take note of.  Did you happen to see the eclipse of the moon? I was disappointed it wasn't as red as I had envisioned, but still a spectacular sight. 

Then there was the record breaking cold with the polar vortex of -50 wind chill. I don't ever remember the mail delivery halted state wide.  I do remember when I was wearing the hat of a dairy farmer and it was soooo cold, the drinking cups froze in the barn and the manure spreader had to be hauled off to Schraufnagel to thaw up.  Now those were the days! The farmers that I know are a dedicated group of workers not only to create a livelihood but to care for the animals.  I miss my cows but not on these wintry days. 

God has blessed me in many ways and I have worn many hats.  One of the best ones is Grandma.  So when I feel any seasonal affective disorder set in, I think of a funny story told by the grand kids.  And of course, dreaming of working in the flower garden again this spring.

Photo of moon: NASA Ames Research Center / Brian Day